How to produce content for LED screens?
Content for electronic display should be balanced. It should not be so complex or so creative that it drowns out the brand altogether, on the other hand, it must not appear so simple that it is devoid of all sophistication. The answer lies in content being created that lies somewhere between complexity and simplicity. Finding the right balance is key.
There must always be content on LED screens which is useful in some way, arouses curiosity, and is fresh and updated. When content is updated constantly, people will tend to look at the screens more often. If the outdoor screen runs only advertisements, the target audience will quickly tire of it and may cease looking at the screen. It is a good idea to incorporate stock-exchange updates, the news, sports and the weather forecast into the programming, so that there is constantly some fresh content to look at. Even displaying updated temperature, a fact of the day or quote of the day will get people curious about what the next display is going to be about. In all probability, if your content is strong enough or thought-proving enough, people will begin commenting about your content and will be looking forward to the next update. This serves the purpose of advertising, which is to have as many people as possible look at your screen.
Another important point is to pay attention to is design. To begin with, ensure that you have a good advertisement designer who knows what he is doing. He should have some experience at designing, and should know instinctively what will work on digital signage. You should also encourage your designer to look at the advertisements as they appear on your screen, so that she will have a good idea about how the viewer will perceive it.
Duration of the advertisement is another factor to be borne in mind. Ideally, advertisements should not be so long that people will see the beginning but not the end as they move past. For outdoor screens, duration should be limited to a maximum of 10 to 15 seconds. Advertisements being broadcast indoors, where people may have more time to view them may extend a little bit more than this.
Finally, ensure that the format of the letters used is big. Each letter being a quarter of the screen size is most probably a good idea. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that what looks good on your computer will look good on your LED screen.